Nice try, Wade.

Whoopsie doodles!

Sorry to... bust in, unannounced, but I think you've overstayed your welcome, Wade.
Using your friend's computer to go hunting for me?


Get serious, man! I could see that coming from a mile away!
I told you already on TalkCity, Wade... I know where you are on-line, even if you use someone else's computer, and account!
That's a bannable offense, you know? Ban evasion, look it up!

Anyways, I think you and I both know what happens now... BOOM!!!

Ha! Just kidding! I wouldn't do that to you again, especially not to Betty... She doesn't deserve it, you know? But you sure do!
I have two words for you, Wade Harris.



That isn't a baseless threat, either. Stop trying to screw with our stuff, and we'll stop screwing with you. You're on your last chances.
You had better listen, pal.

Anyways, good talk! Toodaloo!